School Rules

School Rules

DISCIPLINE : While a student is in school the Head or through him the staff of the school is authorised to act as hi local custodian; The student shall conform to a high standard of discipline I and out side the school.
        No student is allowed to leave school campus without permission of the authorities. Those who Violate this rule are liable for disciplinary action. The Head is fully empowered to remove a student or if in his opinion the student has failed to accept the discipline of the school
        Immorality grave insubordination, bragging, stealing or extortion of money or contempt of authority and breaking. Bounds are always a sufficient reason for immediate expulsion or respiration
        The institution does not accept responsibility for accidents or any loss of property al though proper care is taken to prevent such things.
        Damage done to the school property by student is considered as a serious mis conduct students are liable by students are liable to pry fine for that.
KATIHAR ENGLISH SCHOOL always put the best effort for shaping the over all personality of a student as we believe. The Aim of education Is the knowledge Not of facts But Values.


The crux of our educational philosophy is enjoy the studies and enjoy the work. So, we discourage LEAVE by the students, but in case of emergency, an application signed by the guardian accompanied by medical certificate in case of long sickness, must be submitted on reporting.
NOTE :- The name of scholar my be strucked off the rolls in case of unauthoriesd absence for more then 10 days, and fin will be charged.


The School in discipline and good conduct, so, slackness, disobedience, disregard of rules and disrespect is not tolerated. Generally the punishment is limited to scolding by teachers but the School reserves the right to expel an erring student whose diligence or progress in studies is continuously unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.


  • The Students are required to put in at least 75% of the total attendance of the academic session for appearing at the Annual Examination.
  • The attendance upto the last teaching day of the respective classes will be counted.
  • It is compulsory that students must score an aggregation of at least 40% marks in each Terminal Examination in order to qualify for Annual Examination


The students after admission may be withdrawn on the following reasons :-
ON POORACADEMIC PERFORMANCE:- If a student fails to get required aggregative 40% marks, will be withdrawn.
ON DISCIPLINERY GROUNDS:-:- The Principal may, in the interest of the School, order withdrawal of a student from the school, should be the student’s conduct, behavior or influence, in the opinion of the Principal, be determental to the general discipline/interest of the School.
ON MEDICAL GROUND:- After admission if a student is found to be victim of contagious deseases, will be withdrawn. However, he/she may be permitted to continue in the School on payment of full fee from the date the student is found medically unfit, provided he/she does not constitute a health hazard to other students.
ON NON- PAYMENT OF FEE DUES :-:- The students may also be withdrawn for non-payment of fee dues in time. In such case the School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/, Transfer Certificate (TC) will, however, not be issued until all dues are cleared to the School
ON REQUEST:-If any parent desires to withdraw his ward from the school, he will be obliged to give at least on month notice to this effect before commencement of the term.